Here is a Little-Known Method That is Helping Business Owners Save Hundreds of Thousands in Taxes. Are You One of Them?

By David Lukas If you are a business owner, partner, or independent healthcare professional, you’ve probably felt the sting at tax time. There are many business structures under which you can organize. The two most common are a Limited Liability Company and an S-Corp. Both of these entities are “flow-through" concerning taxation, meaning that all…

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The Four Letter Word That Will Derail Your Retirement And How To Fix It

David Walker. Does that name ring a bell? David Walker served as the comptroller general of the federal government. What does that mean? It means he was the head of the government accountability office. He was the equivalent of the CPA of the United States. He did it for ten years under Bush and Clinton. …

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How Do You Treat Your Tax Tumor? Three Steps That Could Save You Thousands...

(Originally Published in The Healthcare Journal of Little Rock, by David Lukas) We've all heard the adage, Nothing can be certain in this world except death and taxes. This statement is certainly apropos when it comes to taxes concerning your retirement savings. Most people who plan for retirement take advantage of government-approved “Tax Savings Plans,” or…

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4 Social Security Mistakes That Could Cost You a Small Fortune.

Maximizing Social Security is an integral part of a reliable retirement income game plan, yet higher than 90% of claimants do not maximize their benefits. There are over 2,728 rules in the Social Security Administration’s handbook and thousands of more regulations about those rules in the Program Operating Manual System. It is no wonder there…

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There Is No One-Sized Fits All Financial Products

The other day I caught a popular Financial Radio Show host say that anyone who buys whole life insurance is getting ripped off and is being taken by a scam artist. This radio personality often claims that anyone that sells these products are "scum of the earn". This is a pretty bold statement for someone…

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Who’s Supporting You In Retirement?

Who’s Supporting You In Retirement? Part 1... Not that long ago, we could count on the support our employers provided in retirement. With Social Security’s future uncertain and the ever-growing decline of pension plans (Defined Contribution Plans), the rise and the popularity of defined contribution plans (Primarily 401k’s) who should you be putting your faith…

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Dealing With The Tax-Tumor Buried In Your 401k

In relation to retirement, never before has the old adage, “you can’t get something for nothing,” been more poignant than when referring to the seemingly “too good to be true” perks of the 401k. Since the early 1980s, the government has sold Americans on why relinquishing control over their money and taking huge risks in…

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Create Your Own Retirement Vision

Unfortunately, most folks never do this. If you are worried about retirement, chances are you have no vision of what it is you really want. If you don’t have a clear vision of where you are going, it’s due to one of two reasons: you don’t care, or no one has taught you how to…

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7 Costly Mistakes People Make with Their Money #1

MISTAKE NUMBER 1: PAYING TAXES ON THE SAME DOLLAR MORE THAN ONCE (You can read all 7 mistakes by getting your hands on a copy of: Don’t Follow The Herd) It has been said that great mastermind, Albert Einstein, once referred to compound interest as the “eighth wonder of the world.” If that’s true, then…

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How Wall Street Infiltrated Main Street

My Granddad was born in 1912. Twenty years later, he landed his first “real” job climbing telephone poles for the local phone company. Granddad would continue to work for the same company until his retirement in 1978. During the many years I spent with Granddad; particularly after he retired from work, I rarely heard him…

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Look What The Wealthy Are Doing

This is a continuation from last week’s show: Look What The Banks Are Doing Be sure and watch this weeks video below. You don’t want to miss it! Why is this show titled “Look What The Wealthy Are Doing”? Because, under the current IRS tax code, a properly structured cash value life insurance policy, is one…

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Is the Answer To Take On More Risk?

Risk can be defined as exposure to loss. Synonyms for risk in include: To Endanger, Jeopardize, to gamble with, to  take chances, to  put on the line, to put in jeopardy. The greatest definition of Risk is the likelihood of loss.  Most people mistakenly associate risk (related to their retirement savings) with the probability  that they will…

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