7 Costly Mistakes People Make with Their Money #1

MISTAKE NUMBER 1: PAYING TAXES ON THE SAME DOLLAR MORE THAN ONCE (You can read all 7 mistakes by getting your hands on a copy of: Don’t Follow The Herd) It has been said that great mastermind, Albert Einstein, once referred to compound interest as the “eighth wonder of the world.” If that’s true, then … (Read more)

How Wall Street Infiltrated Main Street

My Granddad was born in 1912. Twenty years later, he landed his first “real” job climbing telephone poles for the local phone company. Granddad would continue to work for the same company until his retirement in 1978. During the many years I spent with Granddad; particularly after he retired from work, I rarely heard him … (Read more)

Look What The Wealthy Are Doing

This is a continuation from last week’s show: Look What The Banks Are Doing Be sure and watch this weeks video below. You don’t want to miss it! Why is this show titled “Look What The Wealthy Are Doing”? Because, under the current IRS tax code, a properly structured cash value life insurance policy, is one … (Read more)

Is the Answer To Take On More Risk?

Risk can be defined as exposure to loss. Synonyms for risk in include: To Endanger, Jeopardize, to gamble with, to  take chances, to  put on the line, to put in jeopardy. The greatest definition of Risk is the likelihood of loss.  Most people mistakenly associate risk (related to their retirement savings) with the probability  that they will … (Read more)

Why Compound Interest Doesn’t Work

Albert Einstein said that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. It works bestuninterrupted and over time. When money is put aside and left untouched to collect interest year after year, the result is nearly miraculous. The reason compounding interest doesn’t work for so many Americans is they fail to save any substantial … (Read more)

Here’s To Your Business!

If you are a self-employed business owner, this blog post is dedicated to you! You wake up every day unemployed, and you don’t get paid till someone says  “yes, I want your product!” The entrepreneurial spirit and the hard work that every business owner invests into their business is to be honored. The many hours of sacrifice, blood, sweat … (Read more)

The Number Twelve

It’s important to separate fact from fiction.  Dave Ramsey has benefited thousands of people who are in a constant cycle of debt. He is to be commended for helping people in this regard. However, when he shifts to the subject of accumulating wealth, much of his advice is misleading at best. We encourage you to … (Read more)