7 Costly Mistakes People Make with Their Money #1

MISTAKE NUMBER 1: PAYING TAXES ON THE SAME DOLLAR MORE THAN ONCE (You can read all 7 mistakes by getting your hands on a copy of: Don’t Follow The Herd) It has been said that great mastermind, Albert Einstein, once referred to compound interest as the “eighth wonder of the world.” If that’s true, then … (Read more)

Why Compound Interest Doesn’t Work

Albert Einstein said that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. It works bestuninterrupted and over time. When money is put aside and left untouched to collect interest year after year, the result is nearly miraculous. The reason compounding interest doesn’t work for so many Americans is they fail to save any substantial … (Read more)

Opportunity Cost and Compounding Interest

Opportunity cost has been given little to no attention in retirement planning circles. This is unfortunate because it’s a real thing that can cost you dearly. It is crucial that you understand opportunity cost. Once you do, it will totally transform the way you handle your major capital purchases. The way you spend your money is as equally important … (Read more)